Adore and Tremble: An Overview of God’s Judgment on Israel (Leviticus 26:14-22)
“Almighty vengeance, how it burns! How bright his fury glows!” – Isaac Watts 😖 Dear reckless rebel, You’re aware it’s wrong, but you do it anyway. You’re warned the punishment’s strong, but you still disobey. This happens to both believers and nonbelievers. The difference is believers strive hard not to sin while nonbelievers easily give in to fleshly desires within. It’s not that we, the faithful, worship God and the faithless don’t worship any god; it’s that non-Christians live for another idol other than the true God. If you’re not a Christian, you might think what I believe in is all about following rules, especially now that I’m tackling the Books of the Law. Yes, I live by God’s commands, but my obedience doesn’t admit me to heaven. We can only get there through faith in Jesus Christ. Obeying Him is the fruit of having Him as our Lord. But what was it like before Christ came here when what the people only had was the law? If you’ve been following along this blog, I ho...