About the Blog
Dear curious creation,
Welcome to The Rhyming Epistles blog! You have entered a
space where each page is crafted for you to get to know God more, and hopefully
with a deeper love, the more you'll adore. Adore God in all that He has done as
recorded in Scripture, as recorded in cited literature, as recorded by featured
singers, as recorded from the blogger's experience, typed by her fingers.
Who is she? She's me, Celina. I never really liked showing
my face as a child nor making my voice get heard, but in writing, I’m a free
bird. In rhyming, my words are swans dancing, performed for Jesus the King.
I’ve been writing poetry for leisure since 2011 when I was in college. I just
keep most of my writings to myself. This year 2021, God put in my heart the
desire to dedicate a blog for Him, a blog that reaches out to bring people to
Him, a blog that shares a person who doesn’t even aim to share herself.
What am I talking about in that last part? Or accurately,
who? That person is me, a living testimony. I myself am an epistle—or part of
it. In 2 Corinthians 3:2, Paul and Timothy call the Church at Corinth their
epistle. That’s singular, meaning the Church as one letter to read. They’re
talking about a letter of recommendation. Being part of the Church makes me an
excerpt then. I thought I’d only be sharing about Jesus, but His people,
including myself, are part of His one grand story.
me in Animal Crossing: New Horizons |
What I post here reveals some things about myself. It’s not my intention, but making this introductory page for the blog has opened by eyes to them. The first thing, which I think is the most important, is my devotion to Jesus Christ. All I want to do in this platform is to talk about Him, to glorify Him. The second is my passion for music. I wouldn’t choose the songs as my titles if I don’t like them. (Listen to the songs here: https://therhymingepistles.blogspot.com/p/song-titles-playlist.html) Third is my commitment to rhyming. Yes, there is such a thing. That’s why this is called The Rhyming Epistles. Fourth is my love for Animal Crossing. You’ll see I put pictures captured from the Nintendo game Animal Crossing (either from New Horizons or Pocket Camp). I re-enact a scene or portray a verse from the Bible chapter I'm blogging about in the game. Last and least is my need for money. The ads on this site aren’t exactly chosen by me (I just permitted categories I deem decent), but I have them here so that I can earn. I get paid when an ad is clicked by someone other than me, so if you’d like to help out, please click one. My Church will get the tithe from this. Gaining money is never the primary goal here but gaining followers for God or keeping followers treasure Him. I want my readers to be or to continue to be members of His kingdom, this one letter Paul's talking about. What makes us Christians set apart from the world is Christ reigning over our lives. In simplest terms, we’re part of God’s love story.
In a nutshell, the grand epistle starts with the birth of
the universe and the fall of man, climaxes at Christ’s death and resurrection,
continues at the present, and concludes with never-ending bliss. Where’s the
romance? It's Love that provides shelter, Love that saves the sinner, Love that
is this life’s Sustainer, Love that offers the happy ever after. I’m in the
present stage, and if you aren’t, you could be, too. Accept Jesus in your
heart; believe His salvation’s true. Being part of His story makes you more
than a conqueror. You'll be on the side of the eternal Victor.
If you have questions, you can leave a comment here or on
any post in this site (if you have a question about a certain entry) by typing
where it says “Enter your comment…” If you’d like to message me privately, you
can do so via The Rhyming Epistles Facebook page <https://www.facebook.com/therhymingepistles>.
God bless!
With love,
Celina <3
P.S. I offer English lessons and proofreading: https://www.fiverr.com/mscelina
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