Christ Arose: Responding to the Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-8)

“Up from the grave He arose with a mighty triumph o’er His foes” – Robert Lowry 💪 Dear cold corpse, Do you want to warm yourself under the bright sun? Do you want a reason to get up and run? Ever since sin came to this world, all are dead people walking until they have the Life. Through a lesson material, I was asked by my student what my favorite holidays were. I’m an English tutor, and this student chose to study a conversation lesson on holidays. Anyway, I said that Christmas was my favorite and Easter was my second favorite. If he had asked why I like Christmas the most, my answer would be "It's because of Easter." Say what now? I wouldn't tell him that because he wouldn't understand. I don't think he's Christian because at first he thought Easter was Halloween. He did ask, though, again through the material, why I like Easter. I said it's because it celebrates life. If we were just having a conversation and not a lesson, I would have el...