Who Am I: The Nature of Life (Psalm 90:3-10)

“Still, You hear me when I'm calling. Lord, You catch me when I'm falling, and You've told me who I am…” – Casting Crowns 📞 Dear fading flower, In terms of our present life, we’re just like plants whose days on earth are numbered. Like pretty, fragrant flowers, we bloom but then wither. God doesn’t intend for us to die, but when sin opened its eye, it craved owning God’s position, which is a lie. No one can take God’s place. He’s the one true God, and though other people don’t believe Him, it doesn’t change who He is. There’s one Truth and that’s Jesus Christ (John 14:6). We last stopped at Numbers 14. Now we’re taking a detour to a different book of the Bible. Let’s look at the first psalm ever written . Moses wrote this after God said the passage I featured in the entry before this . (← Click the link to read.) Psalm 90:3-10 (NKJV) 3 You turn man to destruction, And say, “Return, O children of men.” 4 For a thousand years in Your sight Are like y...